the woman

I went to school for graphic design but as it turns out, Photoshop is like. Pretty hard.


Caroline Johnson is an award-winning copywriter who enjoys talking about herself in the third person. 

I went to school for graphic design but as it turns out, Photoshop is like… pretty hard. Luckily, as a voracious reader in childhood and problematic consumer of social media in adulthood, I fell into my dream job as a copywriter by taking the Peggy Olson track from front desk to creative department. Since then, my exploits have earned me accolades at Cannes, Clio, D&AD, and an end of year agency internal where I won "Who Would You Most Want to Back You Up in a Knife Fight." I like to think that what I lack in ability to share my screen in video calls, I make up for with a passion for storytelling, a fascination with what makes people tick, and — above all — an unflagging commitment to the bit.

Wanna know more? Let’s get coffee! I’ve already had three cups. Yolo.

phone: 415 845 5553
resume: yes you may
linked: in

*No, that's not a typo. There are 2,239,963 Johnsons in the US, and at least one Caroline who got to Gmail before me.